

2000年3月に日本柔道整復専門学校を卒業。同年、柔道整復師免許取得(国家資格)。在学前の1995年から卒業後の2001年までインドのC.V.N Kalari Sanghamにてアーユルベーダ医療の研鑽を積み、帰国後2003年9月に蒲生接骨院を開院いたしました。現在、(公社)東京都柔道整復師会台東支部に所属し、副会長を務めさせていただいております。



Hello everyone. My name is Hiroomi Gamo, the director of the clinic.

I graduated from Japan Judo Bone Setting College in March 2000. In the same year, I acquired a Judo therapist license (national qualification). I studied Ayurvedic medicine at C.V.N Kalari Sangham in India from 1995 to 2001. After returning to Japan, I started practice as a Judo therapist and opened Gamo Judo Therapy Clinic in September 2003. I currently belong to the Taito Branch of the Tokyo Judo Therapist Association and serve as its vice president.

In February 2018, I was commissioned by the Minister of Justice as a probation officer, and belong to the probation officer association in Taito Ward. I am engaged in volunteer activities that support the recovery of those who have committed crimes and delinquency.

Although I live with two occupations, I enjoy my work every day with the support of everyone in the community. I do volunteer work on my days off, so I don’t have a lot of free time, but when I have free time, I enjoy various hobbies, such as fishing, amateur radio, photography, reading, and driving.