





At Gamo Orthopedic Clinic, we treat traumatic diseases such as fractures, dislocations, sprains, bruises, and contusions. If you have neck & shoulder pain, back pain, knee pain, etc., please contact us. Injuries while traveling, sports injuries, traffic accidents, occupational accidents, etc. are also covered. We also accept patients from overseas and foreigners. For details, please contact us by phone (03)-3876-1772 or email: gamo.bonesetting.clinic@gmail.com.




Gamo Orthopedic Clinic belongs to the Tokyo Judo Therapist Association (Public Incorporated Association), and is an orthopedic clinic that conducts public service projects for the promotion of public health.

I participate in various disaster prevention and medical support activities such as Taito Ward disaster & medical station training, Taito Ward holiday medical duty, medical support for youth baseball tournament, beach ball volleyball tournament, Tokyo Olympics, Ueno Forest Marathon, Tokyo Marathon, etc.



2000年3月に日本柔道整復専門学校を卒業。同年、柔道整復師免許取得(国家資格)。在学前の1995年から卒業後の2001年までインドのC.V.N Kalari Sanghamにてアーユルベーダ医療の研鑽を積み、帰国後2003年9月に蒲生接骨院を開院いたしました。現在、(公社)東京都柔道整復師会台東支部に所属し、副会長を務めさせていただいております。



Hello everyone. My name is Hiroomi Gamo, the director of the clinic.

I graduated from Japan Judo Bone Setting College in March 2000. In the same year, I acquired a Judo therapist license (national qualification). I studied Ayurvedic medicine at C.V.N Kalari Sangham in India from 1995 to 2001. After returning to Japan, I started practice as a Judo orthopedic therapist and opened Gamo Orthopedic Clinic in September 2003. I currently belong to the Taito Branch of the Tokyo Judo Therapist Association and serve as its vice president.

In February 2018, I was commissioned by the Minister of Justice as a probation officer, and belong to the probation officer association in Taito Ward. I am engaged in volunteer activities that support the recovery of those who have committed crimes and delinquency.

Although I live with two occupations, I enjoy my work every day with the support of everyone in the community. I do volunteer work on my days off, so I don’t have a lot of free time, but when I have free time, I enjoy various hobbies, such as fishing, amateur radio, photography, reading, and driving.


A.R.I 国内3位 A.R.I 3rd Place in Japan

昨年の5月のゴールデンウィークに開催されたイタリアでのアマチュア無線のコンテスト。イタリアの無線局とどれだけ交信できるかを競うコンテストなのですが、日本人部門でなんと3位になっていました。そんなにたくさんの局とは交信できなかったのですが、ログをちゃんと提出しておいたおかげで結果国内3位の成績をおさめることが出来ました。  今年のゴールデンウィークは太陽フレアの活動が活発でそのためデリンジャー現象が発生し、その影響で電離層の状況が悪く、海外との交信がほとんど出来ませんでした。無線通信はいつも出来るわけではなく、お空の状況次第。そんなところも面白いところです。 gamo

蘭🌺Doritaenopsis No.2

2番目に植え替えた蘭が1年半で開花しました。色はこちらの方が濃いですね。蕾は今のところ全部で10個くらい。5月になったら今咲いている蘭と入れ替えで玄関に置くつもりです。お楽しみに😉 gamo



住所 Adress

4-10-5 Senzoku Taito-ku Tokyo

電話 Phone

メール Mail

営業時間 Treatment Timings
月(Mon)〜金(Fri):9:00 – 12:30  15:30 – 19:30
土(Sat)                :9:00 – 12:30

休診(Closed)        :日(Sun)・祝日(Holiday)

ご予約について Reservation


If you do not have time, please make a reservation by e-mail or telephone. We will give priority to treatment after adjusting the time.